Saturday, September 2, 2017


Stanley Kubrick was one of the greatest and most influential directors in cinematic history. When he was 13, his father bought him a camera, the gadget which determined the rest of his life.

Photos taken by Stanley in 1940 in New York City.

Friday, July 21, 2017


Simplified happiness formula:

Where numerator is what person has (car, friends, love, money ...),
and where denominator is what person wants (money, love, friends, car ...).

Happiness is when quotient equals 1.

West preaches for larger numerator.
East preaches for smaller denominator.

World happiness report.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Artificial Intelligence + Life Extension = Long Boring Life

Human: Will ai replace scientiztz politicianz atorneys wal street stok brokers doktors computer programers et al?

Computer: Without a doubt! Check it out: Example 1, Example 2, Example 3.

Human: What will we do when u replace most of our jobz?

Computer: Eat, drink, and be merry* for tomorrow you will not die. ( *bread and circuses) Check it out: Example 1, Example 2, Example 3.

Human: Will we be dumb from not having a necesiti 2 compete 4 resorcez?

Computer: Absolutely! As they say, use it* or lose it*. ( *brain ) Check it out: Example 1.

Human: What will we like to do?

Computer: Live in an augmented reality! Check it out: Example 1.

Human: How long will we live?

Computer: 120+ years. Check it out: Example 1.